Thursday, August 28, 2008


On Sunday, August 24, 2008, National Community Garden Day, many of our gardeners gathered for a potluck supper to celebrate our accomplishments at the Washington County Community Garden.

It appears that these avid gardeners are accomplished cooks as well. The dishes brought to the potluck featured produce from the gardens and included salsas, beet pickles, cucumber soup, veggie salads, tomato and bread salad, zucchini cake, beet cake, grilled zucchini and eggplant parmesan among others.

We toured each other's gardens.

Robin introduced many gardeners to the tomatillo:

Megan picked a tomato and showed us her "bean house":

At the end of the evening, having enjoyed each other's company and bounty, we decided to have a potluck again next year, and are considering an opening gathering as well.

We who tend tend the Washington County Community Gardens invite you to visit, or better yet, to join us. If you are interested in participating in our program, drop an email to: with 2009 Garden Plot in the subject line and someone will get back to you.

1 comment:

MJ said...

It looks like the community really embraced the project. Eau Claire is thinking of creating another community garden, but community members would love feedback. Go here for the story and please leave feedback with suggestions. Thanks!